Are ‘carbon neutral’ and ‘100% renewable’ the same?

Market news

It is not always clear what carbon neutrality and 100% renewable energy mean. Below, we define these targets and talk about the difference between your energy and carbon footprint. The difference between your energy and carbon footprint Your energy footprint relates to your business’ energy consumption. For most organisations, ‘energy’ encompasses not only electricity but also stationary energy and transport […]

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What is ESG and why is it so important for your business?

Market news

ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. It’s a key way that businesses can offer value to their stakeholders and contribute to a socially-conscious, sustainable world. ESG includes: Environmental – climate change, carbon emissions, waste and pollution management, renewable energy and clean technology, and consideration of the rights of First Nations peoples to their land […]

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Big Data – The future ecosystem of building management

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The world of technology is moving at a pace we have never seen before. All businesses, countries and individuals alike are focused on what’s often touted as the “biggest risk that mankind has ever faced”, climate change. Larry Fink, the CEO of Blackrock, the world’s largest fund manager, recently said in his annual letter to […]

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How would you rate the productivity of your workforce?

Market news

How would you rate the productivity of your internal and external labor? Could it be better? Technology, automation, and innovation are redefining how we acquire, manage, and operate space in the commercial real estate sector. All while a global pandemic is changing how (and where) we work and share space. It has never been more […]

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Is it time for AI in the real estate market?

Market news

This is why the world is ready to deploy artificial intelligence to industrial applications: Collecting large amounts of reliable data Improved computer processing power Relevant and valuable use cases There is an appetite for investment in AI and machine learning (ML) AI leads to Predictive maintenance Predictive maintenance can help the property sector to greatly […]

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Do AI applications create more potential for your portfolio?

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Internet of Things (IoT) is the enabler of data, therefore, no longer are we constrained by the hardwired data that is available in large assets and equipment, the potential is now endless, although we are careful to consider the necessity, usability and ROI on additional data. Below simply describes how AI can be used and […]

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How does AI work for you?

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The largest cost to a real estate operation is PEOPLE. So increase PRODUCTIVITY. AI is a complimentary tool to aid, instead of replace, humans. It takes care of repetitive and menial tasks and improves efficiency. In some cases, it can produce beneficial insights from data that was not previously possible due to the complexity of […]

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Predict, don’t react!

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Pillars of predictive maintenance: A data science perspective. Predictive maintenance is essentially applying advanced data analytics to machine health management. The building blocks are. 1. Data science and AI expertise in predictive analysis 2. Domain knowledge about assets and machine operations 3. Underlying hardware and infrastructure support Once the data is collected, cloud computing proves […]

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How do you keep winning?

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Is it just about turning up each day, is that winning?! Can that happen if you’re a freak of nature like this race horse Winx. I’d say most Australians know this horse by now. She has broken most horse racing records that exist on the planet and although her talent may never be surpassed, certainly […]

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